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Member Questions

How do I become a member?

If you would like to become a member, please click on “Join” above and complete the Membership & Commitment Form.


How much of my donation goes to the administration costs of 100 Women Who Care Saskatoon?

Absolutely zero!  100 Women Who Care Saskatoon is organized and operated entirely by volunteers.  100% of the funds raised go directly from the member to the chosen charity.


What if I can't attend a meeting?

If you cannot attend a quarterly meeting, you should contact us using the contact form to let us know and then make sure that your cheque for $100 is dropped off at the meeting or is given to another member to bring with them.  Members must submit payment within 3 days of the meeting to ensure they continue to be members in good standing and eligible to vote. 


Are my donations tax deductible?

Absolutely!  Cheques are written directly to the charitable organization.  The tax receipts are written out by the awarded charity and mailed directly to the donating member.  Please confirm that the correct spelling of your name and address is on your cheque to ensure a prompt and accurate receipt is issued.


I’m a new member: what should I expect at a meeting?

Expect to be greeted by a volunteer and asked to sign-in at the registration desk. There will be time for having a beverage and mingling with fellow members.


 6:00 - 6:45 Registration and Networking - cash bar


 7:00 Meeting begins

- Opening remarks

- Announce the three Charity finalists

- Each charity presents – 5 minutes each, no PowerPoint or collateral materials

- Voting by ballot and tabulation

- Update presentation from the previous recipient

- Announce the chosen recipient (by simple majority)

- Members write their cheques to the recipient charity

- Cheques are collected and presented to the charity

- Announce the next meeting 


8:00 Post meeting networking - cash bar


Can I just give you four post-dated $100 cheques?

Ideally no – because we want to see you at our meetings. But if you’re not a Saskatoon resident, or you know you’re going to miss all the meetings, contact us and we’ll see if we can help.


Is membership limited to only 100?

No, if we can make a BIG impact with 100 women, why not invite a friend and make an even BIGGER impact? Remember, we're doing this for the charities and our community, not just for us.


Can I bring a friend to a quarterly meeting?

Yes, you can bring a friend with you to a meeting if they would like to see what we are about before committing to membership.  They will not be entitled to vote, nor will they be required to provide a $100 cheque to the chosen charity.  I'm sure that after witnessing the excitement of giving back, your friend will want to register before leaving the meeting. That is possible as there will be forms available at the registration desk.  If your guest would like to attend a second meeting, we ask that they register first so that they can enjoy the same benefits as you!


Can I send the donation to the charity myself?

Because the goal of 100 Women Who Care Saskatoon is to make a $10,000 donation on behalf of the entire group, cheques must be provided at the meeting.  The power of joining forces provides for greater impact in the community.  We also need to be able to track your donations so you receive credit for the donation and remain eligible for nominating charities and voting at the meetings.


What do you do with my personal information?

100 Women Who Care Saskatoon collects your name and email strictly for the purpose of contacting you for event invitations and assisting the charitable organization with providing a tax receipt for your donation. 100 Women Who Care Saskatoon will not sell, give or otherwise share your personal information without your express consent, unless required by law. If a member would like to remain anonymous, just let us know!


How does 100 Women Who Care Communicate with members?

The website and Facebook will have the most up-to-date information at all times.  New members will receive a confirmation email within a week of joining.  If you have not received it, please contact us.  We will send group emails to members with information like reminders of the meeting, venue directions, requests for assistance, etc.  To ensure that you receive our updates on a timely basis, please add to your address book.  We will make every effort to reach you, but sometimes your security setting prohibits us from getting things to you.  If you change your email address, please let us know.


Can I cancel my membership?

If you wish to discontinue your membership, please let us know through our "Contact Us" form.



Charity Questions

How are charities nominated?

Charities must be nominated by a member who has signed a Membership & Commitment Form and who is current with her donations. 


Can a charity nominate itself?

No, charities may only be nominated by a member. Our members are not just interested in nominating and donating – they want to learn about local causes. They may want to volunteer, sponsor or serve on a board or committee. They may even become a regular donor or benefactor. Our members and supporters will find out about your charity in our social media discussions and posts. So we invite eligible charities to visit our website and Like us on Facebook. By getting yourself known to our members, you will get yourself nominated. Then it’s down to the ‘luck of the draw’ which three will present on the night. Good luck.


Can a member nominate more than one charity for each meeting?

No, a member can nominate only one charity for each meeting.


How are the three presenting charities chosen?

Members nominate charities on joining or renewal, and again in the weeks before each quarterly meeting. All those nominated charities go into a database, which are then verified for eligibility. The eligible charities are put into a hat and three organizations are drawn at random approximately three weeks prior to our quarterly meeting. The three organizations are notified and invited to give a short five-minute presentation at the meeting. If a charity declines, or is unable to present, another charity is chosen from the database. The identities of the three presenting charities are not revealed until the night of the meeting.


How is the organization that receives the group donation chosen?

A member who has signed the Membership & Commitment form, who is current with her donations and present at the meeting may vote by secret ballot for one of the three presenting charities.  The charity with the most votes receives the members' donations.


Which charitable organizations are eligible for consideration by the group?

  • The charitable organization must be a registered not-for-profit or charity able to provide tax donation receipts.

  • The charitable organization must have been operating in the Saskatoon and surrounding area for at least 12 months.

  • The funds must stay within Saskatoon and the surrounding area.

  • Click here to verify the charitable status of an organization (according to CRA).


Do you only support women’s organizations?

No, we are inclusive of all charitable organizations that meet our stated selection criteria.  We are simply 100 Women Who Care about our local communities.

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